"An equal world is an enabled world. Celebrate women's achievements, Making positive change for an equal world"Pegasus Jewellery is proud to support #beboldforchange raising awareness of equality in our society.
International Woman's Day. Sunday 8th March 2020.
International Woman's Day is an important one to me, with growing children, I want my children to grow in a world without stereotypes, where they can take advantage of wonderful opportunities regardless of gender. It's also a reminder of how much woman have achieved in all areas of society, whether they decide to be a stay at home mum, or a high flyer, it's all about choice. I made a choice to launch my own business with two small children, it's been hard, but its allowed me to work around my children's nursery or school and feel like I'm challenging myself and still being true to who I am. I have a great team of inspiring woman around me, I am incredibly lucky to have such wonderful support.
The range of #INSPO BANGLES- were designed to give us all that much needed push when things maybe seem tough, to either inspire, motivate or simply make you laugh. To celebrate #beboldforchange as part of International Woman's Day on the 8th March you can save £10 off our #inspobangles... now only £25 (RRP £35)
Use code BEBOLDFORCHANGE at checkout to save £10.
Chose from:
Grab life by the Reins
Horses Give us Wings
No Pain, No Champagne
Be Bold, Ride Brave
Look up, Sit up, Kick On
This Princess wears Riding Boots
Ride More. Worry Less.
Check out the full collection here